I do know that this was an (almost) impossible task for those who made the effort to find all the creatures portraited in my drawings..." > Quiz - Answers
numer 011
luty 2022

Quiz - Answers

I do know that this was an (almost) impossible task for those who made the effort to find all the creatures portraited in my drawings. First, because some of the animals/plants are endemic to Mexico (North&Central America), and second because some are small and hard to find. In any case, as in science, what matters is to try for the fun of it.


Here are all the animals and plants, marked and numbered. Those who got the closest to the actual number will soon will be contacted. To be honest, nobody got really close to the actual number but that was expected.

odręczne rysunki zwierząt i owadów sporządzone przez Adolfo
Curva peligrosa and Adolek on butterflies….

Curva peligrosa:


Agave plant , Agave spp. (a few)

Saguaro cacti, Carnegiea gigantea (at least 2x)

Barrel cactus, one of the species of Echinocactus or Ferocactus.

Gecko (lizard or even the Gila monster, Heloderma suspectum, could be accepted, although the latter has a different tail shape)

Oak tree

Adolek on butterflies….

Monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus (different developmental stages) (7x)




odręczne rysunki zwierząt i owadów sporządzone przez Adolfo
...and other flying creatures
...and other flying creautres:

Guillemot, Uria or Ceppus species (12x plus 2 eggs)

Puffin, Fratercula arctica (2x)

Fish (sandlance, sprat, capelin or herring) (2x)

Narwhal, Monodon monoceros (3x follow the purple arrows) plus a few underwater J. BTW, a group of Narwhals is called blessing.

Beluga, Delphinapterus leucas (3x follow the green arrows) plus a few more underwater J. Yet, a group of Belugas is called pod, like  a group of Dolphins.

odręczne rysunki zwierząt i owadów sporządzone przez Adolfo
Writers’ block

Writers’ block

Bird of prey (eagle, hawk, falcon)


Monkey (likely spider monkey, Ateles spp.)

White-throated magpie-jay (Calocitta Formosa)

Yucca tree, Yucca spp.


Kite-swallowtail butterfly (Eurytides epidaus)

Iguana (Iguana iguana)


Turkey (in the stela) (Meleagris gallopavo)

Rattlesnake (in the stela, marked in green) (venomous snakes of the genera Crotalus and Sistrurus)

Adolek will contact quiz participants.


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