Informator uniwersytecki
numer 019
Luty 2023
Forum Akademickie
Zapraszamy społeczność Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie do udziału w najbliższej sesji Forum UM, które odbędzie się 11 lutego o godz. 9. na Platformie ZOOM. Poniżej program oraz instrukcje logowania.
prof. Jerzy Bełtowski (DS 476) – Pleiotropic action of lipid lowering drugs
prof. Artur Wdowiak (DS 534) – Analysis of the relationship between exposure to electromagnetic fields of wireless communication in vivo and male sperm DNA methylation
prof. Konrad Rejdak (DS 387) – Evaluation of prognostic factors for the course and effects of treatment in selected diseases of the nervous system
prof. Łukasz Matuszewski (DS 422) – Assessment of cartilage and the level of selected cartilage turnover markers in idiopathic anterior knee pain in children and adolescents
prof. Konrad Futyma (DS 325) – Analysis of protein (proteome) profile in urine and plasma in people with idiopathic overactive bladder
prof. Wojciech Dąbrowski (DS 352) – The effect of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant treatment on the course of trauma to the central nervous system and the severity of systemic disorders induced by the trauma
prof. Tomasz Jargiełło (DS 483) – Peripheral vascular malformations: evaluation of treatmnt effect after embolization with the use of ethanol and other embolic agents
dr Izabela Morawska (deputy of prof. Violetta Opoka-Winiarska - DS 410) – Evaluation of the expression of selected suppressive molecules and Toll-like receptors in relation to the clinical parameters of selected autoimmune diseases in children, including pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome temporally associated with SARS-CoV-2 (PIMS-TS)
prof. Adolfo Rivero-Muller (DS 442) – Controlling cell signalling
prof. Michał Borys (DS 153) – Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of fosfomycin in critically ill patients
Nazwa spotkania: Forum UM
Nazwa grupy: E. Grywalska, A. Rivero, K. Jozwiak
Data spotkania: 2023-02-11
Godz. spotkania: 09:00:00
Czas trwania: 5 godz
Dane do logowania:
Meeting ID: 941 7120 5853
Meeting Password: 469147
prof. Krzysztof Jóźwiak
Zakład Biofarmacji
© 2022 Centrum Symulacji Medycznej UM w Lublinie