numer numer 030
czerwiec 2024

the English Division Student Government

English Division Student Government
Samorząd Studencki Wydziału Anglojęzycznego
Rada Studentów Wydziału Angielskiego, utworzona pierwotnie w 2016 r., została rozwiązana w 2022 r. Rada ponownie podjęła pracę w 2024 r. z nowymi członkami i przemianowana na Samorząd Studencki Wydziału Angielskiego (EDSG).

The English Division Student Government
Initially formed in 2016, the English Division Student Board was discontinued in 2022. The board has once again resumed in 2024 with new board members and renamed as the English Division Student Government (EDSG)
How the EDSG was Formed

Students can nominate themselves to be a part of the board. Once the list of nominees is finalized and published, voting starts. All students of the English division can vote for their desired board members. Based on the number of seats available, the highest voted students are elected. The final titles and names are submitted to dean's office and the Student Council of the university.

The Roles of the EDSG
The role of the EDSG is to streamline communication between students and the administration, represent students' interests, address student grievances, and complaints towards specific teachers/departments. The plans of the EDSG include securing funds to allow students to publish research papers, conduct workshops, and organize cultural, recreational, educational events. The EDSG also aims to provide guidance and welcome new students to the university.
English Division Student Government
Members of the EDSG for the 2024-2025 Academic Year
English Division Student Government contact
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